
Coffee Talk

Coffee & Chill Newsletter

There are some people you vibe with more than others. I bet you don’t mind catching up with them more often, right?

If you’re like me, catching up usually means meeting at a coffee shop and having a good conversation.

The best conversations aren’t forced. They organically flow into all kinds of relatable topics. Great conversations spark all kinds of reflective thoughts that linger for some time.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have wholesome conversations like that every week?

This is exactly what the Coffee & Chill newsletter is.

It’s a productive yet relaxed ongoing conversation. Think of it as a weekly coffee date with yours truly. We’ll catch up with one another and talk about things worth sharing.

Coffee & Chill is also where you can keep tabs on my projects.

In real life, people usually share and ask for thoughts and opinions regarding projects they’re working on. This newsletter is no different.

Finally, Coffee & Chill is a two-way conversation. After all, no one wants to have a one-sided conversation. That’s no fun.

So, what do you say? Will you join me for a cup of coffee and some good conversation?